Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dr. Bob's spiritual legacy

Dear Auntie Belva, Dr. Steve and Peggy, Sheila, Sharon, Stuart and Sindia, Stacey and Ruth, Stirling and Donna, Shelley and Peter...

As we think of Dr. Bob many verses of scripture come to mind, but one in particular at this time...

“I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work which You gave me to do.” (Jn 17:4). These were Jesus’ words to His Father shortly before the end of His earthly ministry, but how applicable they are to your father at the end of his ministry.

Dr. Bob’s kingdom influence was realised in so many ways to a multitude of people. Perhaps one of the first to be challenged to ‘go’ happened to be Frances (Woods) Warburton, Tricia’s mother, to be the first nurse at Mukinge hospital in Zambia. From that point forward we have greatly valued the close affiliation between the Fosters and Warburtons, whether through joint ministry in  Zambia, through Dr. Bob’s delivery of Tricia and Mike, through his attending to Michael when critically sick and paralysed at the age of 28 at Mutanda, through joint ministry at the AEF IO in England, or through ongoing close friendship of the families.

Dr Bob’s spiritual legacy is beyond comprehension – only God truly knows... Several years back at a spiritual life conference in Zimbabwe, each one present took turns to share how he or she arrived on the mission field. As each person shared their stories, it became blatantly clear that Dr. Bob had challenged and influenced around 90% of the folk sitting in the room – including ourselves. I dare say that the same exercise could be repeated in every southern Africa country with similar result. Apart from being a man of tremendous vision and faith and building four hospitals in rural Africa, perhaps it was his ministry of multiplication in the lives of those he challenged to step out in faith that will count the most for God’s Kingdom. God used him exponentially to motivate a generation to missions in southern Africa in such a way that the harvest of fruit may be traced back to one man – Dr. Robert Livingstone Foster.

There is so much more that could be said about Dr. Bob, but it is clear that God has indeed been glorified on earth through the work which He gave Dr. Bob to do – a work which consumed him to the end and is complete. Our thoughts will be very much with you as you celebrate his life and example tomorrow in Lubango. May you find comfort through His truth...

“Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” (Ps 16:10-11).


Tim and Tricia for all at ROSA

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