Wednesday, January 11, 2012

All my love and prayers, Shelley

My dearest Shelley,
George and I attended our small group  Sunday night where we heard the news of your father's passing just hours after you wrote your update.  (Keri Cordell, your nephew Tim's mother-in-law broke the news.)   My heart breaks for you, your siblings, and nieces and nephews in this loss, but especially for your mother.  You have written many times of her frustration in not being able to express herself and the inabilty to tell your father what was in her heart during this last week must have been unbearable.  Yet I believe that God had knitted them together so closely and so well that no words were needed; just her presence and the touch of her hand would express more than words ever could.  May she have this comfort even as she grieves her loss.  Please give her a hug and kiss from me.
I still remember the first time I met your parents - 28 years ago last month - when you invited me to have lunch and tea with the three of you when they were staying  at the Meyers' place off of Friendly Avenue.  How you and I walked the few blocks from the UNC-G campus in the cold December air; how they both welcomed me into their temporary home as if I were an old family friend.   I don't know if you know this but your father came to visit me in the hospital when I had pacemaker endocarditis in 2007 .  He had gone to my old room first and then had to walk to the new room they had placed me - I think on opposite ends of the hospital.  I am sure that it taxed his strength but he went the extra distance.  
I am so thankful that he was a part of our wedding six years ago and that your parents could witness my marriage.  I have attached several photos (sized down for email purposes) of your parents taken at the wedding.  I hope that they will remind you of a happier time and bring you comfort and peace. 
It was a privilege to know him and while heaven will be enriched by his presence, this world has lost an incredible man who loved serving the Lord.   May he now enjoy the rewards and rest promised by and in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever." - Psalm 23:6
All my love and prayers,

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