Wednesday, January 11, 2012

From a foster Foster

Dear SJFs, and families,

Growing up at Westover, Steve and Peggy were my favorite missionaries, Shelley was always around, Stirling and my dad were friends.  I didn’t really get to know Dr. Bob and Belva until I went to Angola and homeschooled Stir’s children.  From that time on, they were Grandpa and Grandma Foster, and I was and still am honored to be a foster Foster.  Grandma was the person who when I was struggling as a young adult with what to do with my life told me in essence to, ‘Just do something and God will use you and work it out’.  Whenever I stopped in to visit and was cajoled into staying for dinner, Grandpa teased me about being too skinny and always tried to feed me up.  Didn’t work, but he always kept trying!

When Grandpa and Grandma moved back to Angola, I was so glad that I was in the US so that I could say goodbye.  I was envious of the woman who traveled to Angola to help them come back  - to spend that much solid time with them (and see Angola again)! 

Now there is one more man of God who has finished the race and is cheering us on from the stands and with his great voice, we’ll be sure to hear it.  He will be missed. 

Love you all –
(sending virtual hugs and help)

Carolyn Gardner

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