Monday, January 9, 2012

From medical school days

Hi,  Everyone,
So Bob is with the Lord whom he served so well!
Our friendship extends back over 70 years that are filled with many wonderful memories that span three continents. 
I am grieving with you all, but at the same time happy that his suffering is over and he is with his Lord. 
Please give our love to Belva. What a dear! 
 "The old order changeth,giving place to new." The torch, which your parents held so high,  has now fallen to you. Please keep it high.
Love to you all,
Uncle Bob and Sylver 

P.S.  I talked this morning with Paul Roberts and we recalled the wonderful days when we were together with Bob as "The Meds Gospel Team". Paul and I send our special love and  greetings .  We look forward to a resumption of our activities when we all get to glory .
Bob Stephens (another Dr. Bob)

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