Monday, January 9, 2012

Memories from cousin Judy

Dear Shelley and Peter and the Foster Family,
We read your email this morning with great sadness.  Bob was an amazing example of faith and trust in the Lord for all of us. 
I remember stories from my childhood about Aunt June and family and we saw  them occasionally over the years.  After Jere and I moved to the mountains, I got a call one day from a gentleman who identified himself as my cousin.  We had a laugh about that as our family is endowed with lots of cousins: I have 46 first cousins.  That was when Bob and Belva and I got re-acquainted.  They were able to spend time with us after being at the COVE on several occasions. 
I feel so grateful to have known him better in our later years.  He gave us copies of his book which we shared with other family members.  I can only imagine how much you will miss him, but I know that you must take great comfort in the life he lived and all that he gave to help others.
    With much love and many prayers,
        Judy and Jere Annis

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