Sunday, January 8, 2012

Memories from Nancy Pomeroy

When I was a student nurse I and a friend attended a summer youth camp where Dr. Bob was the missionary speaker. He heard that we were in training to be nurses, and he tried to interest us in being nurses in Zambia. But I wasn't interested. During 1959-1962 I was attending Toronto Bible College. In 1960, during my second year at Bible College, Bob & Belva were living in Toronto, on furlough. I went to visit them. As  result I became interested and felt God's leading me to being a missionary nurse. In 1963 Doraine Ross and I traveled together to Zambia: Doraine going to Mukinge, and I to Luampa. Initially I lived with the Fosters, then moved into a 'Quonset' hut, next door to their home. And I worked in the OPD of the new Luampa hospital which Dr. Bob had just finished building. What impressed me while I lived with the Fosters was Dr. Bob leading morning devotions with the family at breakfast time. Also at the hospital, mid-morning he would lead in staff devotions. On Sunday evenings, he invited the missionaries and some African leaders to his home for an evening service.

Our prayers are with you and the family

Nancy (Reist) Pomeroy

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