Monday, January 9, 2012

Memories from South Africa

Dear Foster family

I am the youngest daughter, Inky, of Paul and Elfriede Bremer, RSA.  I have had a very close bond with my Uncle Bob and Aunty Belva for many years as I visited them in Angola 40 years ago. 

I often still testify to others about the wonderful spiritual lessons, and songs, I learnt from the Fosters. 

I still have the diary I wrote about my stay in Angola.  The two youngest children were still in the home and we learnt two Bible verses by heart, every day.  It was Luke 2 at that time, which I can still remember. 

My heart is sad with you to receive the news of his passing on, but I can see in my mind's eye that he is resting in the arms of our Lord. 

All the photos of your last family holiday in South Africa are on my Computer and I often see you all passing by on my screen saver.  May God bless you all and give Ma Belva a hug from me. Keep praying for you all!
                                May the Lord bless and keep thee
                                Make His face shine……….
  And give thee peace!

                                Ingrid Louw

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