Sunday, January 8, 2012

Robert Livingston Foster, 1924-2012

 Our father, known to so many as Dr. Bob, went home to Glory on January 8,  in Lubango, Angola, Africa at the age of 87. He had increasing loss of control of his muscles over several years, but was aware to the end. In his last days, the family members in Angola (including 4 children and 5 grandchildren) took turns sitting by his bed.

He leaves his wife of 63 years, Belva Foster, who is in poor health, their 7 children, 17 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren, his sister, Rhoda Lane, 4 hospitals in rural Africa, countless churches, many missionaries called into service by God through his counsel, and many, many others who knew him as a preacher or as a doctor.

The funeral will be in Lubango this week.

Dad was born in what is now Zambia, grew up in Canada and, after medical school, served as a missionary in Zambia and Angola and as a mission leader based in the US and in England.

God gave him amazing energy—at 83 he spent six weeks camping in the Angolan bush to help build a clinic!

God gave him amazing courage and initiative—he and Mom went in their mid-40's to an Angola at war to learn a new language and start a new outreach, when they could have stayed where they were fruitful and secure.

God made him an amazing Dad—an example, a challenge, a comfort, a great teller of stories and giver of gifts and hugs.

Many will want to share words of memory and appreciation and will not be able to get to the funeral. 
Please send to:

Memorial gifts can be sent to: 
Advancing the Gospel in Angola (AGA)
25 Maple St. Addison, NY, USA 14801

The Angolan Fund
CMDS Canada
246B Main Street,
Steinbach, Manitoba
R5G 1Y8


We are deeply grateful to God for Dad's life. Pray for us and with us as we praise his Lord.

Stephen, Sharon, Sheila, Stacey, Stuart, Stirling and Shelley (his children)

Send your memories and photos to share on this blog:

1 comment:

  1. Dear Belva and family,

    The SIM community and brothers and sisters who joined us from AEF are sad in losing such a mission statesman as Dr. Bob Foster. And our hearts are with you Belva and your children, spouses, grandchildren and great grand children as you miss your beloved. Yet, we celebrate his and our lives in Christ that gives us hope.

    Our prayers are with you at this time.

    Bruce Johnson
    President SIM USA
    Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
