Sunday, January 8, 2012

SIM International Director's Message

Dear Sheila

Thank you for passing on this sad news.  Please be assured of our prayers at the International office as you and the entire family come to terms with this great loss.

Your Dad has been a statesman in many different spheres and is part of a dying legacy of men and women of God who have given their all for the great continent of Africa - I have  been enthralled as I listened to many stories of his ventures around the continent. He is in the mould of the missionary explorer seeking to take the gospel to places it has never been heard and in the process touching countless lives with his healing hands.

I know you have been expecting his passing for a number of weeks but I am sure it will still be hard for the entire family to come to terms with the fact that he is gone - all be it to a far better place.  We pray that his funeral this coming Thursday will bring glory to God and be a wonderful celebration of a life lived well.

We will also pray for Belva, your mother, who has shared the incredible journey of the past 60+ years with Dr Bob - may she know real peace and the comfort as her family support her at this time.

We will pray for other members of the family scattered around the world - it will not be easy for them to be separated from you at this time.

With our thoughts and special prayers at this time.

2 Timothy 4:7-8 "I have fought the good fight...................."

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