Toronto, Canada, January 9, 2012
Acts13:36 “For when David (our dear Bob) had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep;"
Memories flood my mind when I heard today that Bob had passed away yesterday in Angola. What a wonderful welcome he must have received in glory.
My memories of Bob go back to medical school in Toronto, where we first met. We enjoyed our times together, but perhaps most importantly we, Bob and I, along with our classmate Bob Stephens, formed the Meds Gospel Team -- " Three medical students, saved to tell others in word and song". We ministered together in many churches in southern Ontario, and then we parted after graduation, each going to a mission field. The two Bobs went to Africa; I went to Ecuador.
Over the years our paths did not cross very frequently, except at special anniversary class reunions sponsored by the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine Alumni Association.
I have known of Bob's work and dedication over the years. Others will know more details, but I can only say that he has inspired and blessed me in all our contacts. What a wonderful welcome he must have received in glory! It is one thing for us to say "Well done, good and faithful servant", but how much more wonderful and awesome it must have been to have been welcomed by the Master Himself with His words: "Well done, good and faithful servant".
Goodbye for now, dear Bob. Before long we shall meet again -- but in an atmosphere of glory and beauty and love and light beyond our comprehension.
As I near the age of 89, I can only say: See you soon! In Spanish: !Hasta pronto!
As I near the age of 89, I can only say: See you soon! In Spanish: !Hasta pronto!
Revelation 2:10 Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
I assure dear Belva and all the family of our love and prayers. It is hard to say goodbye, but the welcome embrace awaits our reunion.
Dr. Paul W Roberts
Founder, Hospital Vozandes, Quito, Ecuador
Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto
Honorary Consul of Ecuador in Toronto
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