Monday, January 9, 2012

A missionary doctor remembers Dr. Bob

Dr. Bob Foster preached God’s word and trusted God in so many ways that influenced my life more than any living person.

In my estimation, he is in the highest tier with Hudson Taylor and George Mueller of generations before him. Because our family had ten children, no mission organization encouraged us to serve overseas as a family – except for Bob and Belva Foster. He constantly challenged and encouraged us.

He and Belva were personal friends for twenty years. I have served God as an overseas missionary for the past 17 years because of Bob Foster’s impact on my life. Some of my children are also on the field. When I get to Heaven, I will listen for his booming laugh. He won’t be hard to find.

Thank you, Bob and Belva. I love you.  

 Paul Jarrett M.D.

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