Monday, January 9, 2012

May the God of all comfort be your strength

It was with sadness and yet delight that we heard of the homecall of Bob. Sadness that one of God’s great men has left this earth, but delight that, after many months of struggle, he now is with His Lord and among those who have gone before.
We first met Bob and Belva over 50 years ago. Through the years, we have been challenged by his faith, vision, and love for the Lord. His enormous stamina and work ethic were a challenge to me when I was principal at Chezela, Zambia and he was chairman of the board. 
God trusted him with vision, and the fulfillment of those visions showed that he was really in touch with the Lord. On one of our trips to Madagascar, he reminded us to tell the folks there that only the first part of the vision for this country had been fulfilled and we still needed to reach the eastern and southern part of that huge Island. 
We learned a great deal about the greatness of the God of Bob Foster and are thankful for his obedient servanthood.
We will pray for all the family as you plan for his funeral and may it be a fitting tribute to a wonderful man. He certainly left his imprint on all the family and we thank the Lord for your commitment, and will pray with you as you grieve the loss of a dear father and grandfather. 
May the God of all comfort be your strength in these coming days. We know that Belva will experience deep loss too and pray for understanding and comfort as she too waits to join him. 
With our love and prayers, 
Roy and Gwyn Comrie

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